October 22, 2024

The most important part of getting visitors to your blog is getting attention with a good title. This post will discover how to write compelling headlines for your blog with 9 free tools.

When we write a post, we do not always come up with the best ideas, or it is difficult for us to choose a title that impacts. Thanks to copywriting and the use of tools, we can create irresistible titles so that they will click and want to read our post.

The importance of a good title in our blog posts

David Ogilvy is one of the most famous publicists and a legend in copywriting. In his 7 commandments of advertising, he talks about how important titles are for a copy:

“Write excellent headlines, and you will have invested 80% of your money correctly.”

Less is more when it comes to titles because 8 out of 10 people read the headline, and only 2 stay to read the rest of the content. With these numbers, do you think people will waste time reading something complicated that makes them overthink? People need the right information that seduces them in a few seconds. The headline has to grab their attention and give them a reason to want to read more.

How to write headlines that capture the reader’s interest

First, we will start with the basis that you must follow to create titles that get their attention and drive traffic to your blog.

Know who you are writing for

Before writing, you have to be clear about who you are going to address. To do this, you must think about what target you want to attract with your content, what type of content may interest them and how you should express yourself in speaking in their “language.” Use terms, phrases, and words that they use and speak to them in the language they express themselves on these topics.   

The title should be a summary of what you will find in the post

The titles must respond to a search intention, which you will later solve in the post. The headline must be consistent with the content you have written; if they are going to read the post and find that the problem, doubt, need, or what you promise in the title does not respond to that promise, you will only get them to bounce and look for other content that meets your need.

It must include a promise, benefit, or reward

For a person to be interested in reading an article, the title must always include a reward. 

The reward can be positive or negative.

What is a positive reward in the headline?

It is the benefit that that reader will obtain from reading the content. We have to express in a few words that you will learn, win, discover or obtain by reading the post. For example, in this post, you will learn how to write more attractive titles and learn tools to help you when you need inspiration. 

What is a negative reward in the headline? 

The reader will obtain information that will allow him to avoid or reduce a problem, pain, or loss. For example: “20 tricks to avoid losing money with superfluous expenses”, “How to avoid procrastination in your daily tasks,” “7 tricks not to lose your line this Christmas”.

In general, we can say that the headlines that work best include a benefit to either gain something, learn or avoid pain or loss.

3 types of headlines that work

According to John Caples, there are three types of headlines that always work:

The headline is based on benefits. It’s the one we just saw in the rewards.

The headline is based on a piece of news or novelty.

The headline that arouses curiosity. It draws attention by including a secret, something unknown, that they need to read the rest of the content to obtain the solution. This type of headline, together with that of news (false or real), is the one that is usually used to get many clicks (clickbait).

Examples of 17 headlines that work great on a blog

  • Guides and tutorials.
  • Examples of real cases and success stories.
  • Headlines that answer questions: How, Where, What, What, When, Why …
  • Headlines that include a news item or novelty: New … or secrets or tricks. and numbers. People like lists, statistics, and rankings. Several studies show that titles with numbers generate 73% more engagement and are shared more on social networks.
  • Headlines by which a group of people is identified: companies, professionals, marketers.
  • Headlines that show comparisons of products or services and include the word “newbies or dummies.” and showing the reasons for doing something. The 7 reasons why you should learn digital marketing.
  • Titles that include tips. Example: The 7 tips you need to write content like a pro. and begin with “the best …”
  • Titles that include the words: tools, resources, or applications. 
  • Titles that are contrary to what is established or generate controversy. 
  • Headlines that include the words: definitive, last, exclusive.
  • Headlines that include the words: lessons, ideas, ways, principles, steps, data, strategies …
  • Titles that include a gift, offer, promotion, or the word Free.

5 ingredients that should have a good title

  • It must be clear and specific. You have to summarize in a few words what they will find in your article.
  • It should be eye-catching to grab the reader’s attention. You can use exaggeration for example to attract more attention.
  • Your title has to be unique. In other words, it has to be different from the others to stand out.
  • It has to convey urgency so that they click and go to read it now. They should feel that if they don’t read it, they may miss something important that they need to know.
  • It has to be useful. Both the title and the content must be useful for something, solve a need, provide a benefit, an advantage, give information, or resolve a question from the reader. Solve a need, or talk about a topic, news, or problem that readers want more information about.

7 extra tips to make your headline irresistible

  • Speak in the second person singular whenever you can, You, you .., for you …
  • Create anticipation for them to want to click.
  • It should not be too long, but long enough to explain what the content is about. Although the meta title or SEO title may be different from the title of the post, it is advisable to use a similar extension between 60 and 70 characters. In this way, it will be read correctly on all devices and it will be better to share it on media.
  • Use words that your target audience understands.
  • Speak in the same language and use expressions that your audience can relate to.
  • Use power words and action verbs. Powers words are persuasive words that by themselves capture attention and make texts more attractive. For example, New, Offer, Free, irresistible, secrets, tricks, magic… Action verbs in copywriting are those that move the reader mentally or physically. They are more like reaction verbs, for example, Discover, Get, Imagine, Win, …
  • You can add a lead magnet or an extra gift that is advertised in the title to attract more visits. Give a template, a discount, an ebook, …

6 Advantages of writing a good title for your post

  • Attract more visits to your website.
  • Improve click-through rate and SEO positioning.
  • It makes your community grow and more people know you.
  • Strengthen your personal brand.
  • Get more mentions and shares on social networks.
  • Readers can know what you do and remember you when they need any of the products or services you offer.
  • Help get recommendations and you can attract more customers.

9 free tools to create irresistible headlines 

Here come what was promised, 9 free tools that will help you create impressive titles for your content. Most of them work in English, so you can use Google Translate to translate the titles into Spanish if you don’t know it.

Here are some tools that you can use to create or enhance your titles:

Seopressor Blog Title Generator

You enter one or more words, and it shows you ideas for titles (in English).

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator

You have to put 5 words, and it gives you ideas for titles. If you want to get all the ideas, you have to fill out the form.

Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer

It tells you the degree of empathy that a title can generate to see if it will have more or less impact.

Online title generator

You type one or more words, and it shows you the titles based on Google search trends. In Spanish.

Content Idea Generator by Portent

Write the keywords, and it will show you attractive titles to use in English.

Content Row

Like the rest of the tools, you put the keywords, and it shows you ideas for titles in English.

BlogAbout by Impact Blog Title Generator

If you don’t know what to talk about on your blog, this tool introducing the topic you are going to talk about it gives you ideas and titles for your content in English.


Enter the main keyword, and it will give you ideas on questions and phrases that respond to search intentions to create your titles and subtitles. 


Much more than a tool: the Google search engine. We will look for the main keyword that we are going to use in the post, and we will look at:

  • Search suggestions displayed to include those keywords in our content or in the title.
  • With a few words, it will show us questions that are usually asked about that topic. We can use those questions for the headlines and subtitles of the post.
  • We will see the best-positioned content for that word. With them, we can get new ideas to create our titles.

It’s your turn…

Now it’s your turn to try these tips and tools to write compelling titles for your blog. 

Have you tried any of these tools? Which one did you like the most? Would you recommend any more tools? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave your comment and hit the headlines to succeed with your post.

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