March 3, 2025

Should I take this Job? What to consider before taking a Job.

Are you having difficulties deciding whether to accept a job offer? Are you thinking of a particular job you want to pursue but don’t know whether it’s the right one for you? 

Well, this article is here to help you know whether or not the job is right for you. I do understand how hard it is to know whether the job you have just been offered is the right one for you, So, to help you with that, there are six questions that the answers to these questions will help you know whether that job is the right one for you.

Now let’s begin with these questions 

#1 Are the duties and responsibilities in line with what you want to do?

One thing you should know is that the most important thing about a job offer is

not the location 

not the compensation 

and not the benefits

As well as these are important if you accept a job offer for these reasons, even when you are getting the benefits, you will be unhappy and that will bring unfulfillment. 

Ask yourself, what will be my day-to-day activities? Do they sound exciting to me? Will they help me grow my depth of knowledge and experience? Are these responsibilities going to give me a good foundation for my next position? These are questions that will help you grow in your place of work.

If you take a job that will be unfulfilled, it may just make you quit too soon and that may leave a mark on your resume.

#2 Does the job give me experience, skill, and knowledge that I can gain and leverage in the future?

If you want to ever grow in what you want to do, you must consider your future growth while choosing a job. Go for roles that will help you with key skills that will help you with growth, later on, do not accept a job for just the money, because if that be the case you will not last and cannot grow into better positions. 

The key skills you consider are technical skills or soft skills. In terms of soft skills, it could be 

  • communication skills 
  • presentation skills 
  • Collaboration skills 
  • Management skills 

Then, in terms of technical skills ensure you are not just learning one type of task. Make sure it’s a skill that when you develop it, will prepare you for future positions.

#3 Is the hiring manager or the person I’ll be working with, someone I can respect or seem respectable?

If you’re going to work with someone, you will find it hard working with someone you cannot respect. You may be asking how do I know if the person is respectable since I’ve not worked with him before? Well, that’s where your intuition comes to play, 

There are some things you can do, for example, look at the person’s LinkedIn Profile. An Individual’s LinkedIn profile can give you a perspective of the individual’s personality or ambition just by seeing how they progress in their career. 

What you should look out for is if the hiring manager is on the part you want to be on. Check how they have progressed over the years and how they handled challenging opportunities and how he did well for himself.

You may not be certain about this but you can perceive if the person will be a good role model for you to learn and grow. If looking at their LinkedIn profile is not helpful, try to reflect on the meetings you have had with them. 

How were the conversations you had with them? How did the interaction go? From there you can know if he’s someone who is well informed.

#4 Is the company one I can see myself working at?

This is a question you should ask from a cultural, people, environment, and distance perspective. None of these are things you can really control but of course, you want to be aware of this and deliberately make a decision based on whether or not you can cope with it.

Try to find out if the company is one that collaboration is nurtured. Find out if they respect individual contributions, put your head down and get to know if they value people. 

You really want to work in a place where your efforts and contributions will be rewarded. The work environment is very important, so you have to find out if it’s one that will work for you.

#5 Is the pay in line with what I want to make right now?

This is one question that if you avoid it, you may not be happy with the returns. Compensation is key in the place you work. You will not be able to give your best if you work in a place that underpays you for the efforts you put in to grow the company.

If the company is underpaying you for this position, then there is the likelihood that they will underpay you for the next position. Make sure what they’re offering you is in line with your skillset, your qualifications, and abilities. 

Do your research and ask around you to know what the pay is like and how it ought to be in the real sense. But you should try to negotiate your salary, that may just be what the company wants you to do.

#6 Is there a clear part for development along with the role?

Look at the role you are seeking and find out if there is something beyond it or if that is just it and nothing else. If it’s not a role that will give you an opportunity for growth then you might want to reconsider it because it will therefore mean that you cannot excel beyond that level.

Whatever field that may be, if you are okay with such a position then you can go ahead but if you’re the type who will not find it satisfactory to remain in such a position then you may want to look elsewhere.

Focus on the kind of skill set that will project you to your desired height then you can now be intentional about the clear part you are following in achieving your dream.

If you got value from these tips then don’t forget to share this article with someone that may need it.

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