Netflix is gearing up to release an animated reboot of the classic 1970s sitcom “Good Times,” with NBA superstar Stephen Curry serving as an executive producer. The original series, created by Norman Lear, depicted the struggles of a Black family in a Chicago housing project, addressing issues like poverty and systemic racism. The upcoming reboot, however, has sparked significant controversy and backlash.
The new animated series, developed in collaboration with Seth MacFarlane and showrunner Ranada Shepard, introduces a modern-day Evans family. The characters include Reggie (voiced by J.B. Smoove), a taxi-driving patriarch; Beverly (Yvette Nicole Brown), a devout matriarch; their teenage daughter Grey (Marsai Martin), who holds radical beliefs; their son Junior (Jay Pharoah), portrayed as dim-witted; and a baby named Dalvin (Gerald “Slink” Johnson), depicted as a drug dealer.
Critics argue that the reboot perpetuates offensive stereotypes and lacks the nuance of the original series. The portrayal of characters has been described as lazy caricatures that promote damaging narratives about Black families. The inclusion of a drug-dealing infant has been particularly contentious, with many viewing it as a tasteless and harmful depiction.
The backlash has been widespread, with fans expressing their disappointment and anger on social media platforms. Some have called for boycotts of the series, arguing that it disrespects the legacy of the original show and fails to offer a respectful or accurate representation of Black life. The involvement of Stephen Curry has also been a focal point of criticism, with some fans expressing surprise and disappointment that he would associate himself with such a project.
In response to the criticism, some involved in the project have attempted to distance themselves. Carl Jones, initially part of the development team, stated that he left early due to creative differences and has not seen any episodes or scripts of the current version. Writer Alyson Fouse urged audiences to watch the final product before making judgments, emphasizing that the reboot features a different generation of the Evans family facing contemporary circumstances.
The controversy surrounding the “Good Times” reboot highlights the challenges of reimagining beloved classics. While the original series was celebrated for its authentic portrayal of a Black family’s struggles and resilience, the reboot has been criticized for relying on stereotypes and failing to capture the depth and humanity that made the original impactful. As the release date approaches, it remains to be seen how audiences will ultimately receive the series and whether it can overcome the initial wave of criticism.